
19 Sep 23

5 tips on how to embed sustainability into your supply chain

Sustainability has become an increasingly important topic in recent years, with businesses recognising the need to address their impact on the environment and society. As a result, sustainability is now relevant to all aspects of an organisation's operation, and companies are starting to integrate sustainable practices into their supply chain. However, embedding sustainability into a company's culture is a significant undertaking that requires a strategic approach.

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12 Sep 23

Greenstone publishes 2023 UN Global Compact Communication on Progress

Greenstone has published its tenth annual Communication on Progress (COP), reaffirming its dedication to integrating the UN Global Compact and its principles into our company's strategy, culture, and day-to-day operations. 

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5 Sep 23

5 things businesses should consider now for successful CDP reporting

In an era of heightened awareness surrounding environmental sustainability and corporate responsibility, businesses are under increasing pressure to accurately report their carbon emissions and sustainability efforts. The Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) is a vital platform for organisations to transparently share their environmental data, strategies, and commitments. However, successful CDP reporting requires a year-round strategic approach that goes beyond simply meeting July disclosure deadlines.

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Environment , CDP , Frameworks

31 Aug 23

Key takeaways from the SBTi Monitoring Report 2022

SBTi recently published its fourth report titled "SBTi Monitoring Report 2022 - Looking back at 2022 and moving forward to 2023 and beyond". This comprehensive report delves into the worldwide advancements of science-based targets and reveals a remarkable ongoing surge in the adoption of science-targets by companies and financial institutions. This trend persists despite the escalating challenges prevalent on the global stage. 

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22 Aug 23

Why investors are seeking ESG software to manage portfolio data

Across the asset-management world, interest in Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) performance has soared over the past few years. ESG factors into investment decisions and portfolio management strategies are increasingly becoming the norm and investors are seeking to better understand a company’s long-term value by looking at ESG information.

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Environment , ESG , InvestorPortal

15 Aug 23

Greenstone publishes Sustainable Procurement Guide

Greenstone has published ‘Sustainable Procurement – a guide to implementing sustainable purchasing practices’. This guide aims to help procurement and sustainability professionals understand what sustainable procurement is, how their organisation is performing in this area and how they can begin to integrate sustainability into their procurement function.

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8 Aug 23

PE Wire US Awards - Greenstone shortlisted in two ESG categories

We are delighted to announce that Greenstone has been shortlisted in the Private Equity Wire US Awards 2023 in the "Best ESG Solution Provider" and "Best Data Provider - ESG" categories. Our new colleagues at Reporting 21 were also shortlisted in the "Best ESG Solution Provider" category. 

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Awards , InvestorPortal

3 Aug 23

EU Commission adopts final ESRS sustainability reporting standards

The European Commission has adopted the first set of 12 European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS), and large and listed EU companies will be required to use these standards from January 2024, as part of the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD). The European Commission together with the European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (EFRAG) have been working to ensure that the ESRS take into account discussions with the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) and the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) to improve alignment between EU and global sustainability reporting standards and prevent unnecessary double reporting by companies, particularly in the area of climate-related disclosures.

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25 Jul 23

What’s the difference: ESG vs Sustainability vs CSR

The growing interest in ESG, corporate responsibility and sustainability has resulted in the appearance of many different terms trying to describe interconnected and parallel concepts. Understanding these terms is essential for organisations that want to make informed decisions about their impact on the environment and society. ESG, sustainability, and CSR are three terms that are often used interchangeably but are, in fact, distinct from one another. In this article, we will explain each term, highlight key differences, and discuss their relationship and impact.

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20 Jul 23

IFRS Foundation to monitor Climate-Related Disclosures over TCFD

In a significant development for climate-related financial disclosures, the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) Foundation will be taking over the monitoring responsibilities from the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) starting in 2024. This move comes as the IFRS Foundation recently published its inaugural ISSB Standards, IFRS S1 and IFRS S2, which fully incorporate the recommendations of the TCFD. The Financial Stability Board (FSB) has acknowledged these standards as the culmination of the TCFD's important work initiated in 2017.

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18 Jul 23

Greenstone’s investor ESG software wins Top Product of the Year award

Greenstone is delighted to announce that its investor ESG software solution, InvestorPortal, has been recognised with a Top Product of the Year award by Environment + Energy Leader. This is the fifth year Greenstone has been awarded this accolade. Earlier this year, Greenstone was acquired by market leading EHS software provider, Cority, who also won an award in the 2023 E+E Leader Awards program. 

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13 Jul 23

How to prepare for the SEC climate disclosure regulation

Greenstone has partnered with Enzo Advisors to hold a webinar on 'How to prepare for the SEC climate disclosure regulation' on Tuesday 1st August, 12pm New York / 5pm London.

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5 Jul 23

ISSB releases global sustainability disclosure standards

The International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) has taken a significant step towards promoting transparency and accountability in sustainability reporting with the issuance of its first-ever global sustainability disclosure standards. These standards, IFRS S1 and IFRS S2, mark the beginning of a new era in disclosing sustainability-related information in capital markets worldwide. By providing a common language for companies to communicate their climate-related risks and opportunities, the ISSB aims to enhance trust and confidence in corporate disclosures, thus empowering investors to make informed decisions. 

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27 Jun 23

ESG Reporting in South Africa – preparing for regulation

ESG reporting is becoming increasingly important for government, business, and consumers in South Africa. Like in other countries, companies in South Africa are under increasing pressure to demonstrate their commitment to sustainability and reduce their carbon footprint.

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20 Jun 23

Canada’s forced labour reporting law and what it means for business

The Canadian Parliament has recently announced the enactment of Bill S-211, also known as "The Fighting Against Forced Labour and Child Labour in Supply Chains Act". This legislation aims to prevent and reduce the risks of forced labour and child labour in supply chains, with immediate implications for Canadian businesses and importers.

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13 Jun 23

Getting started with Science-based targets for nature

The Science Based Targets Network has introduced the world's first science-based targets for nature. This development establishes a significant standard, driving corporate actions towards ambitious and quantifiable action on nature.

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8 Jun 23

Greenstone to sponsor GreenFin 2023

Greenstone is a proud sponsor of GreenFin 23 taking place in Boston MA on June 26 - 28 2023. This three-day event positioned as the 'premier sustainable finance and investing event', is much anticipated by the sustainability community in North America. 

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Event , InvestorPortal

6 Jun 23

Sustainability in procurement – an integrated approach

Procurement is changing, which means the way organisations engage with their suppliers, manage their supplier relationships, and make their purchasing decisions is changing. There are multiple factors that contribute to this, such as more global supply chains, perceived efficiencies through digitisation, and the changing way in which services are delivered.

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23 May 23

The importance of the “G” in ESG

ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) is now commonplace for examining and disclosing an organisation's sustainability and social impact. However, the "G" in ESG - information relating to how an organisation is governed - is often overlooked in ESG reporting. 

In this article, we explore the “G” in ESG and outline why it is fundamental to all other aspects of the organisation's sustainability.

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Environment , ESG

4 May 23

Greenstone becomes part of Cority

Today we reach an important milestone in Greenstone’s journey; we are proud to announce that Greenstone will become part of Cority.


Greenstone’s acquisition by Cority will enable our team to continue to support clients on their sustainability and ESG journeys, as part of a larger software company.

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2 May 23

Materiality in ESG reporting: What you need to know

Sustainability reporting has become increasingly important for companies as stakeholders demand greater transparency and accountability on ESG issues. Materiality is a key concept in sustainability reporting, as it helps companies identify the most important sustainability issues to report on, and provides stakeholders with more meaningful and relevant information. Materiality is based on the idea that not all sustainability issues are equally important and that companies should focus their reporting efforts on the issues that are most material to their business and stakeholders.

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Environment , double materiality , materiality assessment

25 Apr 23

5 key ESG & Sustainability takeaways from GreenBiz 23

Greenstone's North American team had the opportunity to attend GreenBiz 23 in Arizona, USA, in February. This three-day event had an action-packed agenda of keynote sessions, breakouts, workshops, roundtables and networking events that brought over 1,600 sustainability professionals together to harness each other’s knowledge and address the complex issues they face day-to-day.

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12 Apr 23

How to use the GRI standards

Sustainability reporting is becoming an increasingly crucial aspect for businesses and investors alike, as global awareness of environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues continues to rise. The global reporting initiative (GRI) standards provide a framework for companies to report on their ESG performance and impacts, and are widely recognised as the most comprehensive and widely used sustainability reporting framework in the world.

In this article, we will explore the key aspects of GRI reporting and how companies can effectively use the GRI standards to strengthen their ESG strategy. We will also provide guidance on how to use Greenstone's ESG software to streamline the GRI reporting process.

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GRI , Frameworks

27 Mar 23

5 key topics discussed at NASRS23

Greenstone's North American team recently attended the North American Sustainability & Responsibility Summit (NASRS) held outside of Austin, Texas. The summit served as a platform for sustainability, CSR, and EHS leaders from various industries and organisations to network and learn from each other. Keynotes, case studies, workshops, panel discussions, and networking opportunities over two and a half days allowed attendees to share ideas and innovative solutions to common challenges. 

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24 Mar 23

Key takeaways from the IPCC ‘Synthesis’ report on climate change

Earlier this week, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released ‘Synthesis’, the final instalment of its sixth assessment report, which is the most comprehensive review of climate science to date. The report highlights that human-caused climate change is already having severe impacts on vulnerable people and ecosystems worldwide, as the Earth is warming faster than previously thought. However, there is still time to take effective action to mitigate and adapt to the effects of climate change.

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16 Mar 23

Greenstone participates in CDP’s API pilot to streamline CDP reporting

We are pleased to announce that Greenstone is one of the CDP Accredited Solutions Providers participating in the CDP Disclosure API pilot project in 2023.

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Environment , CDP

14 Mar 23

Understanding GHG Protocol and its role in measuring GHG emissions

Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are a major contributor to climate change, thus reduction efforts are crucial in addressing global environmental challenges. It is important to have a standardised methodology for measuring and reporting such emissions, in order to track these efforts and mitigate the effects of emissions.

The GHG Protocol is a widely recognised standardised framework for quantifying and reporting GHG emissions. It provides guidelines and tools for companies, governments, and other organisations to measure and report their GHG emissions in a consistent and transparent manner.

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GHG Protocol , Environment

7 Mar 23

ISSB confirms content of two new Sustainability Disclosure Standards

The International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) met in Montreal recently and announced its final decision on the technical content of its initial two IFRS Sustainability Disclosure Standards. The ISSB’s Standards will now go through a thorough drafting and formal ‘balloting’ approval process, ahead of their issuance towards the end of Q2 2023.

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1 Mar 23

SBTi releases survey report on scope 3 science-based targets

SBTi recently released “Catalysing Value Chain Decarbonisation”, a comprehensive, global and cross-sector survey to better understand the barriers and limitations companies face when baselining, setting and delivering scope 3 science-based targets.

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Environment , scope 3

20 Feb 23

Greenstone implements new EDCI API enabling direct data submission

Greenstone is delighted to announce that it is one of the first ESG platforms to enable private equity firms to submit data to the ESG Data Convergence Initiative (EDCI) via an in-bound API. This API integration, launched by EDCI on February 15, 2023, will streamline and ease the annual EDCI data submission process for General Partners (GPs) and their respective portfolio companies.

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13 Feb 23

Greenstone to speak at Responsible Investment Forum in New York

Greenstone is proud to be speaking at the Responsible Investment Forum: New York 2023 event on 1-2 March. Held in New York across 2 days, this event will bring together institutional investors and fund managers to explore opportunities in ESG; from value creation to implementing an effective ESG strategy.

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Environment , InvestorPortal

9 Feb 23

What is PCAF and how can financial institutions participate?

Partnership for Accounting Financials (PCAF) is a worldwide collaboration of financial institutions that work together to develop and implement a harmonised approach to assess and disclose financed emissions. ‘Financed emissions’ are the GHG emissions relating to loans, underwriting, investments, and other financial services and products.

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InvestorPortal , PCAF

6 Feb 23

Greenstone to sponsor GreenBiz 2023

Greenstone is a proud sponsor of GreenBiz 23 in Arizona, USA in February 14-16. This three-day event positioned as the ‘premier annual event for sustainable business leaders’ is much anticipated by the sustainability community in North America.

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CDP , Frameworks

19 Jan 23

Greenstone to attend the NASRS23 Summit in Austin, Texas

Greenstone’s North American team will be attending the North American Sustainability & Responsibility Summit (NASRS) in Austin, Texas on Jan 31 - Feb 1 2023. This event is designed and built to bring together the “who’s who” of Sustainability, CSR, and EHS leaders from across a wide range of industries and organisations to network, benchmark, learn and share with one another.

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Event , Environment

17 Jan 23

Interview with Paramount Global - our ESG reporting journey so far

CDP recently published the following interview article on its website. In this interview, we speak to Jessica Thurston, VP of ESG Strategy at Paramount Global about the strong influence of the media and entertainment industry and the significance of Paramount’s evolving ESG strategy. Jessica also gives some helpful advice to companies thinking of reporting for the first time to CDP and explains how Greenstone's partnership has strengthened Paramount's ESG reporting through reliable and consistent data. 

Read the full article below:

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Environment , ESG

12 Jan 23

5 ESG reporting trends to look out for in 2023

With 2023 already in full swing, the Greenstone team looks back at the past year in relation to ESG, sustainability and supply chain reporting. There is no doubt that it was a significant year for business and ESG and we anticipate that 2023 will be no different, with greater demand for transparency and accountability. Below we have highlighted five key ESG reporting trends to look out for in 2023.

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Environment , ESG

10 Jan 23

CDP scores for 2022 - a summary

In mid-December, CDP released the 2022 scores for its Climate Change, Forests and Water Security disclosures. CDP is a leading carbon disclosure framework encouraging companies to disclose information regarding a multitude of factors across the sustainability sphere including emissions reduction and targets, risks and opportunities, and supply chain sustainability. In 2022, nearly 15,000 companies, with a collective worth of over US$11 trillion, submitted a response to CDP.

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Environment , CDP


13 Dec 22

What are the SASB Standards?

The Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) was founded in 2011 as a not-for-profit, independent standards-setting organisation. SASB’s mission was to establish and maintain industry-specific standards that assist companies in disclosing financially material, decision-useful sustainability information to investors.

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Frameworks , SASB

7 Dec 22

Preparing for the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD)

The European Council has formally adopted the EU Sustainability Reporting Directive CSRD. It captures significantly more companies than previous EU regulations have and introduces new mandatory standards. Some non-EU businesses will also be affected. Below we highlight some of the key details to help companies captured under the regulation prepare:

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28 Nov 22

Key ESG takeaways from the Responsible Investment Forum Europe

Greenstone attended the recent Responsible Investment Forum in London. Co-hosted with PRI, the Responsible Investment Forum is the longest-running private equity (PE) event focused on bringing together fund managers, institutional investors, and expert advisors to discuss ESG issues across alternative asset classes.

Below we identify four key themes during the event:

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23 Nov 22

The outcomes of COP27 and what they mean for business

Over the past two weeks, Egypt hosted the 27th UN Conference of the Parties on Climate Change (COP27). The event took place at a resort in Sharm El-Sheikh from November 6th to the 18th. It brought together over 30,000 policymakers, activists, and scientists with the goal of pushing global and national commitments toward a more sustainable future.

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10 Nov 22

Measuring ESG and carbon performance across your portfolio | Guide

Greenstone has published a guide on 'Measuring ESG and carbon performance across your portfolio'. This guide aims to act as an advisory tool for Private Equity (PE) firms that are looking at measuring and reporting Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions across their portfolio.

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Environment , InvestorPortal

7 Nov 22

Greenstone to sponsor the Responsible Investment Forum: Europe

Greenstone is proud to be sponsoring the Responsible Investment Forum: Europe 2022 on November 16 - 17 in London. The Responsible Investment Forum: Europe, co-hosted with the PRI, is the longest-running private equity forum focused on bringing together fund managers, institutional investors, and expert advisors to discuss ESG issues across alternative asset classes.

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Environment , InvestorPortal

27 Oct 22

Measuring biodiversity impact and risk: a new focus in ESG disclosure

The risks resulting from a loss of nature and changes to natural capital have the potential to disrupt society and the stability of the global economy. Whilst most research on financial risks related to natural capital has historically focused on climate change, there is a growing awareness of the risks associated with other aspects of natural capital, such as the loss of biodiversity.

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25 Oct 22

How does Private Equity Stack Up on ESG? Recent publication by BCG

The ESG Data Convergence Initiative (EDCI) was launched in late 2021. This initiative is an industry-led effort by the private equity community to drive consensus around meaningful ESG metrics and generate comparable, performance-based ESG data. One of EDCI’s partners, BCG, has published the following article celebrating the progress that the initiative has made in its inaugural year, highlighting a few of the key findings from the benchmark, and encouraging other GPs and LPs to join the initiative. 

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Environment , InvestorPortal

18 Oct 22

Key takeaways from the fifth annual TCFD Status Report

The Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) recently published their fifth annual status report. This report reflects on milestones related to the implementation of the TCFD recommendations since they were released in 2017 and other encouraging developments in climate-related disclosure since their last report in October 2021.

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11 Oct 22

Greenstone ESG Technology winner's profile feature | The Drawdown

Greenstone was announced the winner of the ´Technology: ESG´ award at The Drawdown Awards ceremony held in London in June 2022. Following this, the Drawdown recently published a winner's profile feature on Greenstone in its publication. This feature is an interview with Greenstone's Head of InvestorPortal, Toby Robertson, on what makes Greenstone's cloud-based SaaS solution InvestorPortal stand out in the market. 

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Environment , ESG

6 Oct 22

EY survey on sustainable supply chains driving business transformation

EY recently released a survey on 'Building supply chain sustainability that can drive revenues and reduce operational risks'. This survey of senior supply chain executives shows the need for a holistic and ROI-backed roadmap to meet sustainability performance goals. 

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3 Oct 22

Greenstone sponsors Sustainable Brands '22 event in San Diego

Greenstone is pleased to be sponsoring and attending Sustainable Brands '22 on October 17-20. This annual flagship event, running across four days in San Diego, California is the global event for regenerative brands and their leaders. It offers a unique mix of inspiration, thought leadership, community and connections.

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Event , Environment

29 Sep 22

Greenstone to speak on ESG reporting at BAB Sustainability Series

Greenstone's Chief Product Officer, David Wynn, has been invited to speak on the expert panel at 'ESG Reporting: The Evolution and Impacts of the SEC and UK Taxonomy Regulations'. This event, hosted by leading transatlantic trade association BAB (BritishAmerican Business) on Thursday, October 6th at 11:00 am EDT / 5:00 pm BST, is part of BAB’s Corporate Citizenship & Sustainability Series. 

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Environment , ESG

27 Sep 22

Davines Group improves data accuracy and reporting with ESG software

Greenstone has been working with the Davines Group to help streamline data collection and automate carbon emissions calculation and reporting. Through the use of Greenstone’s sustainability reporting software, Davines has been able to automate the GHG emissions calculation process and access the accurate data required to assess ambitious commitments and targets. Read the project case study below.

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12 Sep 22

Greenstone announced as a finalist in the Real Deals ESG awards

We are delighted to announce that Greenstone has been announced as a finalist in the Real Deals ESG Awards 2022. The Real Deals ESG Awards identify and celebrate those who are making positive change through ESG in private equity. Greenstone’s InvestorPortal SaaS solution has been recognised in the ‘ESG Tech’ category.

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News , Awards , InvestorPortal

5 Sep 22

ESG reporting in 2022 – why it matters and where to start

As part of Climate Week NYC, Greenstone is holding a webinar on 'ESG reporting in 2022 – why it matters and where to start' on Thursday 22 September at 11 am EST (4 pm UK).

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Environment , ESG

23 Aug 22

Why a SaaS solution is essential for your ESG strategy

Software as a Service (SaaS) has transformed the way we work, share data, and communicate. It means that we need fewer programs installed on our computers, and can access our data and services from more devices.

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16 Aug 22

What to consider when selecting sustainability reporting software

Finding the right sustainability and ESG reporting software platform for your business isn’t always straightforward. With the ever-evolving reporting landscape, you need to be sure that the software you choose is going to fulfil your sustainability, ESG, EHS, CSR, risk and compliance and supply chain reporting requirements both today and in the future.

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10 Aug 22

Still working on spreadsheets? Here’s why you need ESG software

With reporting requirements constantly increasing, a huge volume of data needs to be collected and reported across an organisation. Once collected, you are then faced with the daunting task of combining datasets from different business functions into something that can be interpreted, analysed and reported on.

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Environment , ESG

2 Aug 22

5 things to look for in sustainability reporting software

Sustainability reporting involves data, data and more data. The demand for greater transparency, accurate and reliable information and continuous monitoring against targets is growing. With reporting requirements constantly increasing, a huge volume of data needs to be collected, managed and reported across an organisation. 

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19 Jul 22

Three stages of corporate Scope 3 reporting & primary data collection

Measuring and reducing Scope 3 emissions (GHG emissions associated with the value chain) has become a key area of environmental reporting for most companies. With a surge in the setting of ambitious science-based and net-zero targets, and the increased pressure from investors, regulators and customers, prioritising Scope 3 emissions has never been as important.

Greenstone recently held a webinar on Scope 3 reporting . This article presents a practical case study on how companies are approaching the Scope 3 reporting journey and the common three stages we are seeing the vast majority of our clients, across all industries and all sizes of organisations, go through when it comes to Scope 3 reporting. Read the full blog

SupplierPortal , scope 3

11 Jul 22

How to address supply chain risk – the risk management journey

Despite growing stakeholder pressure, many companies still do not have an understanding of the compliance, potential risks and impacts of their supply chain. We believe that companies are on an ever-maturing supplier management journey. The ultimate goal of this journey is to integrate sustainable supplier management across their business, in order to create more transparent, responsible and risk-free supply chains.

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7 Jul 22

Fujitsu releases Global Sustainability Transformation Report 2022

Last week, Fujitsu released its Global Sustainability Transformation Survey Report 2022 – ‘Accelerating sustainability with a digital-first approach’. This survey analyses key challenges and critical success factors of sustainability transformation and makes important recommendations for the future.

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4 Jul 22

Understanding EU's Directive on Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence

In February 2022, the European Commission issued its proposal for a Directive on Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence (CSDD), aiming to encourage ethical and sustainable business practices throughout all global value chains. These new regulations will provide companies with legal security and increase transparency for investors and consumers.

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SupplierPortal , CSDD

16 Jun 22

Key takeaways on the SEC's new proposal & FAQs

Since the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) proposal in March 2022, public companies are expecting to begin reporting their carbon emissions and reductions progress alongside their financial results. Greenstone is covering the progress of the proposal and has produced a series of resources on what to look out for ahead of the final vote.

This blog covers the key takeaways on the SEC's new proposal, the answers to some frequently asked questions and how Greenstone’s software can help start preparations.

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Environment , SEC

14 Jun 22

Greenstone Investor ESG solution wins prestigious private equity award

Greenstone has been announced the winner of the ´Technology: ESG´ award at The Drawdown Awards ceremony. The Drawdown Awards celebrate excellence and innovation within private capital fund operations.

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Environment , Awards , InvestorPortal

6 Jun 22

Four tips to Optimise Your CDP Score

At the unprecedented rate at which climate change is happening, more and more companies are starting to act with urgency. CDP disclosure is driving corporate transparency and helping to guide, incentivise and assess climate action. In 2021, a record-breaking 13,000+ companies representing over 64% of global market capitalization disclosed through CDP – 35% more than 2020, and over 141% more than when the Paris Agreement was signed in 2015.

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CDP , Frameworks

InvestorPortal , SEC

23 May 22

Understanding the SEC’s new carbon disclosure recommendations

In March 2022, the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) released a new proposal for public companies to begin reporting their carbon emissions and reductions progress alongside their financial results.

These SEC rules aim to make corporate sustainability reporting more common, consistent, and standardised like financial accounting and reporting, similar to the recent EU Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) in Europe.

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Environment , SEC

19 May 22

Greenstone sponsors Responsible Business Europe event

Greenstone is pleased to be sponsoring Responsible Business Europe in London on 8-9 June 2022. This event, running across two days in London, brings together 400+ CEOs and senior-level executives from business, finance and Government to meet, discuss and share best practice on shaping the future of business.

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Event , InvestorPortal

Environment , scope 3

5 May 22

Greenstone’s investor ESG software named as finalist - Drawdown Awards

Greenstone has been shortlisted as a finalist in The Drawdown Awards, in the ‘Technology: ESG’ category. The Drawdown Awards celebrate excellence and innovation within private capital fund operations. With a judging panel made up of leading industry practitioners (both GPs and LPs), the rigorous judging process makes these awards stand out from the crowd in both rigour and prestige.

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27 Apr 22

ESG disclosure and reporting - 4 key impacts on procurement teams

Greenstone recently held a webinar, in partnership with the Sustainable Purchasing Leadership Council (SPLC), on the ‘Dynamic ESG landscape & its intersections with sustainable procurement’. In this blog, we have summarised one topic that was covered in the webinar – how Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) disclosure impacts procurement teams. Below are 4 key impacts of ESG disclosure and reporting on procurement teams.

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SupplierPortal , ESG

22 Apr 22

Greenstone becomes Tech Zero signatory to confirm net zero commitment

Greenstone has recently become a Tech Zero signatory. Tech Zero is a partner of the UNFCCC ‘Race to Zero’ for tech companies committed to making faster progress towards net zero. With founding partners such as Bulb, Revolut and Starling Bank, Greenstone joins the nearly 300 tech companies globally who have joined the climate-action group so far.

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Environment , News

11 Apr 22

4 things to consider when calculating GHG emissions across a portfolio

Calculating the GHG or carbon emissions of an organisation is a key KPI for businesses to communicate their impact on the environment to stakeholders. Commonly grouped into scopes, reporting on GHG impacts in different categories provides transparency on where the impacts have occurred within a business’s operations.

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GHG Protocol , Environment

1 Apr 22

Greenstone to speak on ESG software and ESG data at CoreNet NYC event

Greenstone's Chief Product Officer, David Wynn, will be speaking at the 'PropTech & Sustainability Committee: How Companies Are Using Technology To Develop Their ESG' on  April 7th in New York, USA.

The CoreNet Global New York City Chapter is holding this event aimed at exploring which platform solutions are available to companies to help streamline ESG data processes. David will be on a panel of industry experts and will joined by speakers from CBRE and PwC. 

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Event , InvestorPortal

23 Mar 22

SEC proposes new climate disclosure rules for US public companies

Earlier this week the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) announced the release of proposed rule changes that would require US public companies to include certain climate-related disclosures in their registration statements and periodic reports. This includes information about climate-related risks that are reasonably likely to have a material impact on their business, certain climate-related financial statement metrics and disclosure of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

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News , InvestorPortal

22 Mar 22

Greenstone to attend Responsible Business USA event

Greenstone’s North American team will be attending Responsible Business USA in New York on 19- 20 April 2022. This event brings together 400+ CEOs and senior-level executives from business, finance and Government to meet, discuss and share best practice on shaping the future of business.

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Event , InvestorPortal

18 Mar 22

Greenstone publishes glossary for Sustainability & ESG professionals

Greenstone has published a 'Sustainability & ESG' Glossary. This glossary, providing definitions of the most commonly used terms and concepts in sustainability and ESG reporting, is designed to help sustainability professionals stay up to date with terms, acronyms, frameworks and reporting standards.

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Sustainability , Environment , ESG

17 Mar 22

How Greenstone's Environment module is enabling responsible business

At Greenstone, we provide a wide range of ESG and sustainability reporting software solutions which have all been developed in response to the evolving reporting ESG and sustainability landscape and our clients’ reporting requirements.

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Environment , sustainability software

14 Mar 22

CDP reporting in 2022 – what you need to know

Earlier this month, gold CDP-accredited solution provider Greenstone held a webinar on how to prepare for CDP reporting in 2022. With a guest speaker from CDP, Senior Corporate Engagement Officer Mona Ackholm, this webinar covered an overview of everything you need to know about the CDP reporting timeline, disclosure options for first-time responders and what’s changed in 2022.

In this blog, we provide a summary of what was covered:

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CDP , Frameworks

9 Mar 22

Five Tools for Preparing Your CDP Data for Verification

As part of CDP's 'Bitesize Sustainability Webinar Series', gold CDP-accredited solution provider, Greenstone is presenting a 30-minute webinar on 'Five Tools for Preparing Your CDP Data for Verification' on Wednesday 30 March at 11am ET / 4pm GMT. 

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CDP , Frameworks

2 Mar 22

Dynamic ESG landscape & its intersections with sustainable procurement

In partnership with Sustainable Purchasing Leadership Council (SPLC), Greenstone is presenting a 60-minute webinar on ‘Dynamic ESG landscape and its intersections with sustainable procurement' on Thursday 24 March at 10am ET / 2pm GMT. This expert webinar, hosted by SPLC, will cover in detail how the ESG reporting landscape is fast-evolving and how this impacts the procurement community.

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SupplierPortal , ESG

22 Feb 22

Greenstone to speak at Responsible Investment Forum New York

Greenstone is proud to be speaking at the Responsible Investment Forum: New York 2022 next week. Held in New York on 2nd and 3rd March, the Responsible Investment Forum will bring together institutional investors, fund managers and highly recognised associations to discuss why, when, and how firms should be implementing an effective ESG strategy.

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Event , News , InvestorPortal

14 Feb 22

Greenstone publishes 2022 UN Global Compact Communication on Progress

Greenstone has published its annual Communication on Progress (COP) to the UN Global Compact. With this Annual Report, Greenstone continues to demonstrate its commitment to making the UN Global Compact and its principles part of the strategy, culture and day-to-day operations of our company.

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10 Feb 22

How Greenstone’s ESG software can enable Scope 3 reporting

Greenstone’s suite of sustainability, supply chain and investor ESG software solutions provide an integrated approach to addressing the challenge of Scope 3 emissions calculation and reporting. Providing a central hub for the collection and aggregation of Scope 3 data across all 15 Scope 3 categories, Greenstone’s solutions support businesses on their Scope 3 reporting journey, whether they are just starting out or they have been reporting in this area for years.

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Environment , ESG , scope 3

1 Feb 22

How to prepare for CDP reporting in 2022

Every year, the CDP reporting cycle seems to come around quickly. The advice for 2022 CDP reporting has already been released, and the response platform will be available in early April. It's best practice for reporting organisations to begin the process of compiling data and supporting material as soon as possible, in order to be prepared for reporting requirements. 

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CDP , Frameworks

27 Jan 22

Greenstone sponsor GreenBiz 2022 (February 15-17)

Greenstone is a proud sponsor of GreenBiz 22 in Arizona, USA in February 15-17. This three-day event positioned as the ‘premier annual event for sustainable business leaders’ is much anticipated by the sustainability community in North America.

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Event , News

25 Jan 22

Larry Fink of BlackRock’s 2022 letter to CEOs – key takeaways

Each year, Larry Fink, the CEO of BlackRock, one of the largest asset management companies worldwide, releases a letter to CEOs. In this blog, we summarise some key points of Larry Fink’s 2022 letter to CEOs.

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Environment , ESG

13 Jan 22

Private Equity Wire Awards shortlisting – Best ESG Solution Provider

We are delighted to announce that Greenstone has been shortlisted in the Private Equity Wire European Awards 2022 in the ‘Best ESG Solution Provider’ category.

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4 Jan 22

Five sustainability, ESG and supply chain trends to watch in 2022

As we welcome in a New Year, the Greenstone team reflects on 2021 and its significance in areas of sustainability, ESG and responsible supply chains. This blog focuses on the top five trends to watch out for in 2022.


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Environment , Frameworks , scope 3

20 Dec 21

What does the Net-Zero Standard mean for science-based targets?

The SBTi recently launched the Net-Zero Standard, the world's first framework for corporate net-zero target formulation based on climate research, which has also introduced two new ways of articulating science-based targets: near-term and long-term.
This blog highlights what these new phrases represent and how they connect to more traditional science-based aims.

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Environment , Science-based targets , net zero

16 Dec 21

CDP reporting 2021 scores released

Last week, CDP released the 2021 scores for its Climate Change disclosures. Over 14,000 organisations around the world disclosed data through CDP in 2021, including more than 13,000 companies worth over 64% of global market capitalisation, and over 1,100 cities, states and regions.

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CDP , Frameworks

8 Dec 21

The ESG reporting landscape in North America – insights from the UK

Earlier this year, Greenstone opened its first North America office in New York as a result of the significant growth and ongoing momentum it is experiencing in the region. In this blog, we interview David Wynn Greenstone’s Managing Director North America about his journey from the UK to North America and what he is seeing in the ever-evolving ESG reporting landscape.

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Environment , ESG

6 Dec 21

How to report GHG emissions from data centres and cloud services guide

Greenstone has published a guide on 'How to report GHG emissions from data centres and cloud services guide' designed to help sustainability and ESG professionals accurately measure and report GHG emissions from data centres and cloud services.

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GHG Protocol , Emissions factors , Environment

2 Dec 21

Greenstone sponsors the 2021 Value Reporting Foundation Symposium

Greenstone is proud to be sponsoring the 2021 Value Reporting Foundation Symposium, which will be held virtually on December 6-7, following the success of the long-running IIRC Conference and SASB Symposium.

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Event , Environment

4 Nov 21

Understanding the updated GRI Universal Standards 2021

The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) has announced the updated version of the Universal Standards - the global benchmarks for sustainability reporting that enable organisations to understand and report on their impacts. The GRI standards are a modular system and consist of three series of standards; revised Universal Standards, new Sector Standards, adapted Topic Standards.

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News , GRI , Frameworks

3 Nov 21

IFRS announces International Sustainability Standards Board at COP26

The International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) was officially launched by the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) Foundation today at the COP26 climate conference. As a SASB Materiality Map® and full standards licensee, Greenstone is pleased to share this landmark announcement regarding the future of centralised and universally uniform sustainability-related corporate disclosure. 

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Event , Frameworks , SASB

Event , ESG , TCFD , Frameworks

28 Oct 21

Science-Based Targets initiative launches new Net-Zero Standard

The Science-Based Targets initiative (SBTi) has announced the launch of the first science-based framework for companies to set net-zero targets - the Net-Zero Standard. The purpose of this new Standard will be to emphasise the importance of decarbonisation in corporate net-zero strategies.

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Environment , Science-based targets , net zero

26 Oct 21

Greenstone to speak on ESG data at Responsible Investment Forum Europe

Greenstone is proud to be speaking at the Responsible Investment Forum: Europe 2021 on Tuesday 9th November. The Responsible Investment Forum: Europe, co-hosted with the PRI, is the longest-running private equity forum focused on bringing together fund managers, institutional investors, and expert advisors to discuss ESG issues across alternative asset classes. The key themes for this year's two-day event will be climate change, the route to net-zero, and the rise of impact investing.

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Event , ESG , InvestorPortal

7 Oct 21

Greenstone announces Managing Partner appointments for North America

Last month, Greenstone opened its first North America office in New York as a result of the significant growth and ongoing momentum it is experiencing in the region. The team is growing fast and this week, Greenstone announces two senior hires to the team – Michael Kelly and Jamie Rantanen – who both join as Managing Partners.

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Event , News

21 Sep 21

GHG and carbon emissions and their role in limiting warming to 1.5°C

With the latest IPCC report, the much anticipated COP26 conference and almost constant news reports on the subject, climate change and the reduction of carbon now seem to be at the centre of most discussions. As our attention is turned towards the ways businesses can act now to limit warming to 1.5°C, some terms used can lead to confusion.

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GHG Protocol , Environment , sustainability software

14 Sep 21

Greenstone opens NYC office to support strong growth in North America

Award-winning sustainability software solutions company, Greenstone, has opened its first North American office in New York, USA. This opening is in response to the significant growth and strong ongoing momentum Greenstone is experiencing in the North America market.

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Event , News

8 Sep 21

Unlocking ESG data to simplify the reporting challenge

Greenstone is holding a webinar on 'Unlocking ESG data to simplify the reporting challenge' on Thursday 23 September at 11 am EST (4 pm UK).

This event is being held in conjunction with Climate Week NYC, taking place September 20-26. Hosted annually by international non-profit the Climate Group in conjunction with the United Nations, Climate Week NYC is a global opportunity to come together to accelerate climate action and assess progress ahead of COP26.

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Event , ESG

25 Aug 21

What is ‘double materiality’ and why should you consider it?

During the last year, significant progress was made on unifying sustainability reporting standards and terminology. After a long time of shifting viewpoints on what materiality means, who it is for and whether the sustainability sector should even use the term materiality, an agreement has begun to form that materiality is ‘double’ and dynamic.

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Frameworks , double materiality

18 Aug 21

Why procurement teams are seeking supply chain sustainability software

Procurement and supply chain management is evolving, and so are the ways businesses interact with their suppliers, manage their relationships with them, and make purchasing decisions.

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Supply chain sustainability , SupplierPortal , Sustainable procurement

12 Aug 21

COP26 and what it means for business

From the 31st of October to the 12th November 2021, the United Kingdom and Italy will co-host the 26th UN Conference of the Parties on Climate Change (COP26) at the Scottish Event Campus (SEC) in Glasgow. Heads of state and climate scientists will gather to agree on joint steps to combat climate change. As co-host of COP26, the United Kingdom has set ambitious goals to reduce carbon emissions by 78 per cent by 2035.


In this blog, Greenstone will focus on the role of businesses and how they can actively act upon the goals set by COP26.

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Environment , Science-based targets , net zero

20 Jul 21

Greenstone’s software achieves Top Product of the Year for 4th year

Greenstone was announced today as winner of the Top Product of the Year 2021 award by Environment + Energy Leader. This is the fourth consecutive year Greenstone has been awarded this accolade, this year for its innovation in scope 3 reporting.

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News , Awards

8 Jul 21

Greenstone publishes scope 3 emissions reporting guide

Greenstone has published a 'Scope 3 Emissions Reporting & Where to Start' guide to help sustainability professionals, responsible for sustainability and Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) reporting for their organisation, to better understand scope 3 emissions and how to start reporting in this area.

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Environment , scope 3

5 Jul 21

Why ESG data matters in private equity & how SFDR standards can help

The European Commission is soon expected to confirm the new Regulatory Technical Standards (RTS) that define the shape of the ‘level 2’ ESG disclosures required under the new Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) from 2022.

In this blog post, we explore the metrics outlined in these standards, how the relevant data can be collected from portfolio companies, and how private equity managers can stay one step ahead by adopting these metrics to enhance their ESG capabilities.

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24 Jun 21

How does TCFD align with CDP?

The Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) was established by the Financial Stability Board (FSB) in 2015 to review how the financial sector could take account of climate-related issues. Chaired by Michael Bloomberg, the TCFD’s objective was to formulate a set of recommendations to help organisations understand and disclose their exposure to climate-related issues.

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CDP , TCFD , Frameworks

21 Jun 21

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DE&I) in supply chains

Over the last few years, COVID-19 and the social justice movement have been stark reminders about the importance of diversity, equity and inclusion (DE&I) in all aspects of our society. The business world is no exception. Expectations placed on companies have increased and investor and consumer interest in environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors, including DE&I, have notably increased.

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16 Jun 21

Scope 3 supply chain emissions – how to improve your supplier data

Greenstone is holding a webinar on 'Scope 3 supply chain emissions – how to improve your supplier data' on Thursday 15th July
4pm BST.

Measuring and reducing scope 3 emissions (emissions from the value chain) has become a primary focus for companies, particularly those who have set science-based or net-zero targets. With this comes the challenge of data collection from parties outside of your company – in many cases from suppliers, who can make up a large proportion of scope 3 emissions.

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Supply chain sustainability , SupplierPortal , scope 3

14 Jun 21

IIRC and SASB form the Value Reporting Foundation

This week, the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC) and the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) officially announced their merger to form the Value Reporting Foundation.

This merger is providing a comprehensive suite of tools to assess, manage and communicate value.

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Sustainability , Frameworks , SASB

2 Jun 21

Reporting the impacts of COVID-19 in your environmental reports

Greenstone is holding a webinar on 'Reporting the impacts of COVID-19 in your environmental reports' on Tuesday 29 June at 4pm BST.

Managing and reporting environmental data during the global COVID-19 pandemic has been a huge challenge for those responsible for their company’s sustainability reporting. On Tuesday 29 June at 4pm BST, Greenstone is holding a webinar providing some advice and guidance on how to report the impacts of COVID-19 in environmental reports.

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Environment , COVID-19

24 May 21

Measuring scope 3 supply chain emissions - choosing the right method

As we have covered in some of our recent blogs – ‘Scope 3 GHG emissions explained’ and ‘4 key steps to starting your scope 3 emissions reporting journey’ – there is both a significant need as well as a significant challenge in understanding an organisation’s value chain (or scope 3) emissions.

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scope 3

17 May 21

The importance of data in achieving net-zero & science-based targets

Greenstone is holding a webinar on 'The importance of data in achieving net-zero & science-based targets' on Tuesday 15 June at 4pm BST.

With a notable surge in the setting of net-zero and science-based targets, comes a new set of challenges around data. Accessing and reporting accurate data to support and track progress against these ambitious climate targets is becoming an increasing challenge for most companies.

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Science-based targets , net zero

5 May 21

4 key steps to starting your scope 3 emissions reporting journey

Measuring and reporting scope 3 GHG emissions accurately is a key topic for most businesses and one that’s becoming increasingly important as more organisations commit to ambitious emissions reduction targets such as Science Based Targets or Net Zero Targets.


As part of its scope 3 reporting series, Greenstone held a webinar on 22 April, covering the increased reporting of scope 3 emissions as well as the challenges that your business might come across during the process of measuring and reporting. In this blog, we cover some of the challenges that companies face when reporting scope 3 emissions, 4 key steps on where to start and some top tips to help companies prepare.

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Supply chain sustainability , Environment , scope 3

26 Apr 21

Hypertherm advances sustainability & supply chain data with software

Greenstone has been working with global manufacturer Hypertherm to improve the company’s data management across its global locations and supply chain. Through the use of Greenstone’s sustainability reporting software and sustainable supply chain software solutions, Hypertherm has been able to streamline data collection and access the accurate data required to set ambitious goals for 2030. Read the project case study below.

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SupplierPortal , sustainability software

20 Apr 21

How sustainability software can help you achieve your long-term goals

The non-financial, ESG, sustainability and CSR reporting landscape is constantly evolving. As regulatory sustainability reporting frameworks and investor requests increase, we see more and more companies adding to their commitments and establishing long-term global sustainability reporting strategies. The ability to provide assurance for sustainability risk management and ensure that their company has access to reliable data to report to business stakeholders has become one of the main focal points.

Yet, deciding on a sustainability reporting software solution to support the ongoing management of sustainability and ESG data is often considered a process far more daunting than it really is. In this blog post, we break down how finding the right sustainability reporting software can support your company’s reporting and help you achieve your sustainability goals.

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sustainability software

14 Apr 21

GRI and SASB reporting ‘complement each other’

Last week, the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) released 'A Practical Guide to Sustainability Reporting Using GRI and SASB Standards'. This guide shares the results of joint research from GRI and SASB, where they explore the experiences of companies that use the two sets of standards together to fulfil their reporting needs.

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GRI , Frameworks , SASB

7 Apr 21

Greenstone present on ESG software at sustainable finance event

On Monday 26 April, Greenstone will be presenting on ‘Software Solutions for ESG and Private Equity’ at the Wall Street Green Summit 2021.

The Wall Street Green Summit is one of the longest running and most comprehensive sustainable finance events in the industry globally. Launched in 2002, the Wall Street Green Summit covers cutting edge content, industry developments and features the leading practitioners in sustainability. It is aimed at building the sustainable finance system for responsible investing and the changing role of business in sustainability.

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Event , ESG

1 Apr 21

The Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR)

The new Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) has made a notable entry into the sustainable finance sphere. This new regulation, which formally came into force on 10 March 2021, requires all financial market participants in the European Union (EU) to report Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) disclosures, with additional requirements for products that promote ESG characteristics or that have sustainable investment objectives.

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29 Mar 21

Scope 3 Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions explained

As more and more organisations set ambitious reduction targets, it is becoming increasingly essential that they are able to measure and reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions associated with their value chain.

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GHG Protocol , scope 3

25 Mar 21

How to measure and report scope 3 GHG emissions accurately - webinar

Greenstone is holding a webinar on 'How to measure and report scope 3 GHG emissions accurately' on Thursday 22 April at 4pm GMT.

As more and more organisations set ambitious science-based and net-zero reduction targets, it is becoming increasingly essential that they are able to measure and reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions associated with their value chain (scope 3 emissions).

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Environment , scope 3

15 Mar 21

What impact has COVID-19 had on supply chains & responsible sourcing?

One of the most publicised and immediate impacts of the global COVID-19 pandemic was and still is, the impact on supply chains. Everything impacted supply chains - from the restrictions being placed on the movement of people and the ways in which goods could be transported, to the human impact of the virus that meant it became more challenging to produce goods and deliver services.

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12 Mar 21

Webinar - 5 software features to help you improve your CDP reporting

Greenstone and CDP are holding a webinar on ‘5 software features to help you improve your CDP reporting’ on Wednesday 17 March at 4pm GMT. This webinar, hosted by CDP, is part of the ‘CDP Bitesize’ series delivered by CDP’s gold accredited solution providers.

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Reporting Guidance , CDP , Frameworks

8 Mar 21

CDP reporting 2021 – what’s changed since last year

With CDP reporting season looming, CDP has published its 2021 CDP reporting guidance and released its 2021 questionnaire on Climate Change. The deadline for submissions is 28 July 2021, and the Online Response System (ORS) will open for users to start entering their information on 12 April 2021.

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Reporting Guidance , CDP , Frameworks

2 Mar 21

Tracking GHG emissions across investment portfolios - a new frontier

Greenstone is holding the webinar ‘Tracking GHG emissions across investment portfolios - a new frontier’ on Thursday 25 March at 4 pm GMT. This webinar, presented by Greenstone’s Head of InvestorPortal Toby Robertson, will discuss how collecting and managing GHG emissions data from portfolio companies is becoming increasingly important and provide advice on where to start.

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Event , ESG , InvestorPortal

25 Feb 21

Preparing your data for the EU Taxonomy regulation

The EU Commission's Taxonomy Regulation passed into law in June 2020, marking a significant step in sustainable finance. Now, as we have entered into 2021, companies are about to face their first milestone. The deadline for businesses to report on the taxonomy criteria is now imminent as some participants (in the financial market) will be required to complete their first set of disclosures against the Taxonomy by the 31st of December 2021.

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ESG , EU Taxonomy

18 Feb 21

Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) releases 2020 progress report

The Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) recently released an annual progress report “From ambition to impact: How companies are cutting emissions at scale with science-based targets”. This report aims to reflect and report on the five years of progress in setting science-based climate goals and setting a baseline for the decade of ambition ahead.

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Science-based targets , Frameworks , net zero

16 Feb 21

Greenstone publishes UN Global Compact communication on progress 2021

Greenstone has published its annual Communication on Progress (COP) to the UN Global Compact. Through this COP report, Greenstone reaffirms its commitment to making the UN Global Compact and its principles part of the strategy, culture and day-to-day operations of its company.

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UNGC , Frameworks

10 Feb 21

SASB standards & how they link to other ESG reporting frameworks -FAQs

Greenstone’s webinar on the 'SASB standards & how they link to other ESG reporting frameworks' was held last month. The 30-minute session, with a guest speaker from SASB, was very well-attended and we had great feedback from attendees.

We had some interesting questions both during and after the webinar. In this blog, we have answered some of the most frequently asked questions on the topic:

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ESG , Frameworks , SASB

3 Feb 21

Blackrock’s 2021 letter to CEOs and what it means for ESG reporting

Larry Fink, the CEO of BlackRock, an American multinational investment management corporationhas released his annual letter to CEOs.


The events of 2020 and the need for companies to transition to a net-zero economy, shaped this year’s letter. The past months have been challenging in so many ways. Nonetheless, there are signs of promise, including businesses that have moved forcefully to face climate risk.

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Sustainability , Environment , ESG

26 Jan 21

How to prepare for CDP reporting in 2021- webinar

The CDP reporting cycle seems to come around quickly each year. The 2021 CDP reporting guidance has already been published and the response system will open in early April. Now is the time for reporting organisations to start collecting and preparing data and supporting information to avoid last minute panic.

Greenstone is holding a 30-minute webinar on 'How to prepare for CDP reporting in 2021' on Thursday 25th February at 11am ET / 4pm GMT. With a guest speaker from CDP, this webinar will discuss CDP reporting for 2021, how to prepare and some tips on how to improve on last years' response.

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CDP , Frameworks

6 Jan 21

Top 5 sustainability, ESG & supply chain reporting trends for 2021

With the turn of a New Year, sustainability, ESG and supply chain software solutions provider Greenstone, reflects on 2020 and pulls out some key reporting trends to watch out for in 2021. Here are the top 5:

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Sustainability , supplychain , ESG , Frameworks

22 Dec 20

SASB standards & how they link to other ESG reporting frameworks

Greenstone is holding a webinar, with a guest speaker from SASB, on the SASB Standards and how they link to other sustainability and ESG reporting frameworks on Thursday 28 January 2021 at 12pm EST.

There are many reporting frameworks that help companies measure and report sustainability information to a wide range of stakeholders. What distinguishes SASB standards is a focus on financially material information covering a range of industry-specific sustainability areas, including Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) topics.

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ESG , Frameworks , SASB

10 Dec 20

CDP reporting 2020 scores released

This week CDP released scores for its 2020 Climate Change disclosures. A record-breaking 9,600+ companies disclosed through CDP in 2020, a 70% increase since the Paris Agreement was signed in 2015 and 14% up on last year.

Greenstone would like to congratulate its clients and partners who have worked hard to improve or maintain their score from last year, and those who were included on the prestigious CDP ‘A List’.

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Environment , CDP , Frameworks

7 Dec 20

Reporting the impact of COVID-19 in your climate change disclosures

The global COVID-19 pandemic is set to cause the largest ever annual fall in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions due to the dramatic change in the way we all have lived and worked over the past year. However, the fluctuation in climate data has been a huge challenge for those responsible for their organisation’s sustainability reporting.

Greenstone recently presented at the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)’s Virtual Summit on how to report the impacts of COVID-19 in climate change disclosures. In this blog, Greenstone reflects on the impact that COVID-19 has had so far on climate change disclosures, some of the key challenges that companies are facing, and some solutions that we are seeing from our work at Greenstone, and the industry generally. 

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Environment , COVID-19

3 Dec 20

KPMG survey on global trends in sustainability reporting

KPMG released its 11th edition of the KPMG Survey of Sustainability Reporting this week. This annual survey has tracked monumental changes in sustainability reporting since the survey was first published in 1993. This year, KPMG professionals reviewed sustainability reporting from 5,200 companies across 52 countries and jurisdictions, making this the most extensive survey in the series to date.

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Sustainability , ESG

1 Dec 20

Greenstone’s 2030 science-based target approved by SBTi

Greenstone’s 2030 science-based emissions reduction target has been approved, as consistent with levels required to meet the goals of the Paris Agreement, by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi).

The SBTi is a collaboration between CDP, the United Nations Global Compact, World Resources Institute (WRI) and the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF). The SBTi defines and promotes best practice in science-based target setting and independently assesses companies’ targets. Greenstone has formally joined the movement and set a target to reduce its absolute scope 1 and scope 2 GHG emissions by 50% by 2030, and to measure and reduce its scope 3 emissions.

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Science-based targets

23 Nov 20

Greenstone launches SASB licensed content in ESG software solutions

Greenstone has recently integrated the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) Standards into its award-winning sustainability and ESG software solutions. In partnership with SASB, Greenstone now licenses the SASB metrics, topics and technical protocols to enable its clients to use the SASB framework when reporting on their ESG impacts and risks.

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Frameworks , SASB

30 Oct 20

How to report the impacts of COVID-19 - Greenstone at GRI Summit

Greenstone will be speaking at the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)'s Virtual Summit 2020 next week on how to report the impacts of COVID-19 in climate change disclosures. The virtual summit, held on Tuesday 3  November at 9am GMT gathers sustainability professionals for a half-day online conference covering key topics and recent developments in the sustainability reporting space.

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GRI , Frameworks , COVID-19

26 Oct 20

Science-based targets and net-zero commitments - FAQs

Climate Week NYC 2020 was held last month and this year’s edition was certainly one to remember. Not only was it held entirely online, but the week of events included ambitious commitments from some of the biggest names. Most notably, the University of Cambridge announced a net-zero target by 2038, Facebook committed to a net-zero target by 2030 and Walmart, the world’s largest company, outlined plans to be 100% carbon neutral by 2040 (without using carbon offsets).

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Science-based targets , net zero

16 Oct 20

Webinar - the value and impact of Supplier Codes of Conduct

Greenstone, in partnership with Ardea International and the University of Westminster Business School, is hosting a webinar on the value and impact of Supplier Codes of Conduct on Thursday 12th November at 4pm GMT. 

A code of conduct is a set of guidelines for suppliers that defines the company’s relationship with a supplier and lays out the behavioural and procedural standards required of them. It is a voluntary document from the company’s perspective, but it is often mandated as part of their contract that suppliers agree to the terms and principles laid out in the code.

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Supplier Compliance , Supply chain sustainability , SupplierPortal

9 Oct 20

Becoming a responsible business – interview with Fujitsu

In this interview, recently published on CDP's blog, Greenstone talks to two leaders at Fujitsu to discuss its journey towards becoming a responsible business, and the importance of reliable data to support it. 

In 2019, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released its special report into the global impact of temperatures rising at 1.5°C degrees above pre-industrial levels. As a result, the business sector and corporate leaders face mounting pressure to address their impact on the climate and demonstrate how they are taking action to their stakeholders, consumers, employees and investors.

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Environment , CDP , Frameworks

29 Sep 20

Global sustainability reporting frameworks guide

Greenstone has published a Sustainability Reporting Frameworks Guide to help companies understand and navigate the global sustainability reporting landscape.

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Sustainability , Frameworks

21 Sep 20

CDP & TCFD reporting: disclosing climate change risks & opportunities

Greenstone has partnered with CDP to hold a webinar on disclosing climate change risks and opportunities. This webinar, on Wednesday 7th October, will put the spotlight on CDP and TCFD in relation to disclosing climate change risks and opportunities. It will also discuss the alignment between frameworks and outline how organisations are using software to manage this disclosure.

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Event , CDP , TCFD

15 Sep 20

SBTi paper on global standard for science-based net-zero targets

The Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) has today issued its initial guidance on the first science-based global standard for corporate net-zero target setting. This paper is the first step to setting a global standard, which will help to ensure that corporate net-zero carbon targets are aligned with climate science.

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Environment , Science-based targets , net zero

10 Sep 20

Greenstone’s investor ESG software awarded Product of the Year

This week, the Business Intelligence Group named Greenstone’s InvestorPortal ESG software ‘Sustainability Product of the Year’ in the 2020 Sustainability Awards program.

Greenstone recently launched InvestorPortal to enable responsible and sustainable investing for private capital investors. This purpose-built ESG Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) solution enables the collection, management and analysis of Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) data across investments and funds.

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Event , InvestorPortal

20 Aug 20

Webinar: ESG risks and opportunities for private equity firms

As part of Climate Week NYC 2020, Greenstone is holding a webinar on ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) and the risks and opportunities for private equity firms. This webinar, on Tuesday 22nd September at 11am EDT, will discuss the growing importance and relevance of ESG reporting in private equity and the opportunities it presents.

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11 Aug 20

ESG performance and long-term resilience – link stronger than ever

As recently as 5 years ago, ESG (Environmental Social Governance) investing was still considered a very niche activity, and typically, most institutional asset managers that had ESG funds, also known as SRI (Socially Responsible Investing) funds, were managed separately from the mainstream portfolios.

The most striking development over the last 1 – 2 years is that we are seeing more and more institutional fund managers adopt ESG reporting.

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21 Jul 20

Greenstone Enterprise awarded Top Product of the Year for 3rd year

Greenstone is delighted to announce that its Enterprise SaaS solution has received Top Product of the Year Award at the Environment + Energy Leader Awards 2020. This is the third consecutive year Greenstone has received this award reinforcing its position as a market-leader in sustainability and ESG software solutions.

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15 Jul 20

GRI & SASB announce collaboration in sustainability reporting

This week, the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) announced a collaborative work plan. This announcement is an important step towards increasing clarity and transparency in the sustainability reporting landscape.

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Sustainability , Frameworks

13 Jul 20

EU Taxonomy regulation – key impacts for companies & investors (FAQs)

Yesterday, the EU Commission’s Taxonomy Regulation entered into law, marking a significant step in sustainable finance. The EU Taxonomy is a classification tool aimed at investors, companies and issuers to better define the environmental performance of economic activities across a wide range of sectors, and will give clarity to the requirements economic activities must meet to be considered “green”.  

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EU Taxonomy

2 Jul 20

Aligning global sustainability frameworks - FAQs and resources

Following Greenstone and GRI’s recent webinar on ‘Aligning global sustainability frameworks – the role of software in mapping data’, below are the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions, plus some helpful resources.

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9 Jun 20

Webinar - how sustainability software enables long term climate action

Greenstone has partnered with CDP to hold a webinar on ‘How to use software to achieve your long-term climate goals and reach Net Zero’ on 17 June. This session is being held as part of CDP’s 2020 Global Workshop Series. Greenstone is a proud sponsor of this series of virtual global and regional events running through until mid-July.

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Sustainability , Event , Environment

8 Jun 20

Greenstone sponsors Virtual Responsible Business Week

Greenstone is sponsoring and exhibiting at the Virtual Responsible Business Week running online between 8 – 16 June 2020.

Broadcast to a global audience of sustainability, supply chain and ESG professionals, this event brings a stream of live sessions and discussions from senior global leaders on the business challenges ahead.

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Supply chain sustainability , Event , Environment , ESG

4 Jun 20

Bird & Bird streamline supplier information security assessments with SupplierPortal

Global law firm Bird & Bird has implemented Greenstone’s supply chain sustainability software, SupplierPortal, to engage with and assess the performance of its global supplier network.

This case study outlines the journey Bird & Bird have been on to find a robust and reliable solution that supports continual supplier engagement, ongoing assessment, and an efficient annual audit cycle.

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Supplier Management , SupplierPortal

28 May 20

Webinar: Aligning global sustainability frameworks – the role of software in mapping data

In the week following the Virtual GRI Reporters’ Summit North America, Greenstone and GRI will be delivering a webinar on ‘Aligning global sustainability frameworks – the role of software in mapping data’ on Wednesday 24 June.

With a guest speaker from GRI, Alyson Genovese, this 45-minute webinar will give an update on global sustainability frameworks, the role of GRI in the current disclosure climate and how software can enable better framework alignment.

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GRI , Frameworks

27 May 20

CDP 2020 climate change questionnaire - changes for the financial services sector

CDP have released their 2020 questionnaire on Climate Change, aimed at helping companies to disclose their current emissions and actions around climate change mitigation and adaptation. The deadline for submission has been extended in light of COVID-19 to 26 August 2020 and the Online Response System (ORS) is now open for users to start entering their information.

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Environment , CDP , Frameworks

14 May 20

Greenstone sponsors leading sustainable procurement event

Greenstone is sponsoring and exhibiting at the Sustainable Purchasing Leadership Council’s (SPLC) 2020 Summit next week (May 18-20). Due to the current covid-19 epidemic, this year the Summit is being run as a completely virtual event.

The SPLC Virtual Summit 2020 will bring together sustainable procurement and sustainability professionals, suppliers, and advocates to access more than 24 hours of live content. The Summit will include plenary keynotes, breakout sessions and an interactive exhibit hall across three days. With this new virtual Summit, attendees have on-demand access for up to a year – to catch a missed presentation, download additional resources, hear the inspiring keynotes, or visit exhibitor booths again.

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Supplier Management , Supply chain sustainability , SupplierPortal , Sustainable procurement

11 May 20

The importance of long-term ESG data management resilience

David Wynn, Managing Director North America at Greenstone, writes the following article.

I was recently on a call with a Fortune 500 company who had a decade of ESG reporting under their belt and several well-earned sector leadership titles in their trophy cabinet. Sustainability is deeply embedded in their business but like companies more broadly, they have seen a significant ramp up in investor pressure and ESG information requests in the last 12 months. 

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Sustainability , Environment , ESG

29 Apr 20

BlackRock's sustainability announcement - how to respond (FAQs)

Larry Fink’s latest annual letter to CEOs announced a number of significant changes geared at putting sustainability at the heart of BlackRock’s investment strategy. With the incorporation of sustainable investment principles and a clear request for companies BlackRock invests in to produce SASB and TCFD aligned reports by year-end, the pressure on organisations to disclose information on sustainability performance and impacts has never been higher.

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Sustainability , Non-Financial Reporting , Environment

17 Apr 20

CDP reporting 2020 – frequently asked questions

This week, the disclosure platform for CDP 2020 officially opened for companies. Many organisations across all sectors worldwide will be invited to report their environmental data through CDP, some for the first time.  

Greenstone, a Gold CDP accredited software provider, recently held a webinar with a guest speaker from CDP, on ‘CDP Reporting: preparing for 2020’. We had a number of interesting questions during and after the webinar. Below are the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about CDP reporting in 2020.

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Environment , CDP

7 Apr 20

Webinar: EU Taxonomy for sustainable finance – key impacts for companies

Greenstone is holding a webinar on 'EU Taxonomy for sustainable finance - key impacts for companies and investors' on Wednesday 6th May at 3pm GMT. 

In what is one of the most significant developments in sustainable finance, the technical expert group (TEG) advising the European Commission has published its final recommendations on the EU Taxonomy.

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Event , EU Taxonomy

25 Mar 20

Webinar: Sustainable procurement and modern slavery risk – how to ensure you are meeting global legislation

Greenstone and Ardea International, a specialist business and human rights consultancy, have partnered to hold a webinar on how to integrate global modern slavery risk into a sustainable procurement strategy. This webinar will be held on Wednesday 22nd April at 4pm GMT.

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Sustainable procurement

17 Mar 20

Enhancing SupplierPortal with supplier risk and action management

Greenstone has recently updated its supply chain sustainability software solution SupplierPortal with enhanced supplier risk management and corrective action functionality.

This provides SupplierPortal users with a joined-up and fully automated approach to identifying high-risk suppliers, engaging with suppliers and remediating supply chain risk.

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Supplier Data , Supply chain sustainability , SupplierPortal

4 Mar 20

Greenstone's UN Global Compact communication on progress 2020

Greenstone recently submitted its annual Communication on Progress (COP) to the UN Global Compact. Through this COP report, Greenstone reaffirms its commitment to making the UN Global Compact and its principles part of the strategy, culture and day-to-day operations of its company.

At Greenstone, we understand that we play a role in helping organisations to meet many of the UN’s goals and objectives, including the ten principles of the UN Global Compact (UNGC). Greenstone has been a participant of the UN Global Compact since 2013 and actively uses and promotes the ten principles and the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as a standard for its clients.

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Environment , UNGC , Frameworks

28 Feb 20

Supplier information security assessments – global law firm case study

Greenstone works with organisations to assess and reduce supply chain risk and enable responsible supply chains. An increasing area of focus in this work is information security. 

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20 Feb 20

Supplier risk management - global bank case study

Greenstone works with its clients, across a variety of different sectors and industries, to build long-term supplier management processes that address and reduce risk, both now and in the future.

The below case study summarises how our client, one of the world’s largest banks, has transformed its supplier risk management through the use of Greenstone's supply chain sustainability software solution SupplierPortal.

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19 Feb 20

Webinar: BlackRock’s sustainability announcement – how to respond

Greenstone, a leading provider of sustainability, supply chain and ESG software solutions, is holding a 30-minute webinar on Thursday 12 March, covering the recent BlackRock sustainability announcement, the direct and indirect impact this will have on corporate sustainability and how organisations can respond to this and other similar reporting requirements.

Larry Fink’s latest annual letter to CEOs announced a number of significant changes geared at putting sustainability at the heart of BlackRock’s investment strategy. With the incorporation of sustainable investment principles and a clear request for companies BlackRock invests in to produce SASB and TCFD aligned reports by year-end, the pressure on organisations to disclose information on sustainability performance and impacts has never been higher.

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11 Feb 20

Greenstone becomes gold CDP software partner

Greenstone has renewed its partnership with CDP to become a gold climate change software partner as part of CDP’s accredited solution providers programme.

Greenstone has partnered with CDP since 2013 to ensure its clients have access to the latest CDP content and guidance and can meet their CDP reporting requirements as seamlessly as possible.

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Environment , CDP

10 Feb 20

Greenstone announces partnership with Ethical Corporation by Reuters Events for Responsible Business Summit New York

Greenstone is pleased to announce its partnership with Ethical Corporation by Reuters Events for their upcoming conference, The Responsible Business Summit New York taking place on March 17-18.

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Event , Responsible Business

6 Feb 20

Webinar: CDP reporting – preparing for 2020

Sustainability software solutions provider Greenstone is holding a 30-minute webinar on 'CDP Reporting - preparing for 2020' on Wednesday 11th March at 4pm GMT.  

With a guest speaker from CDP, Emily Pepper, this webinar will discuss CDP reporting for 2020, how to prepare and some tips on how to improve on last years' response.

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Event , CDP

30 Jan 20

Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting (SECR) - FAQs

Following Greenstone’s webinar on the UK Government's Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting (SECR) policy last week, we have answered some of the most frequently asked questions about SECR and what it means for organisations.

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23 Jan 20

CDP 2019 scores released

Earlier this week, CDP released scores for its 2019 Climate Change disclosures. Greenstone would like to take this opportunity to congratulate its clients and partners who worked hard to improve or maintain their score from last year, and of course those who were included on CDP’s A-List.

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Environment , CDP

17 Dec 19

Webinar: Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting (SECR) Compliance

Greenstone is holding a 30-minute webinar on SECR (Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting) on Thursday 23rd January at 11.30am (GMT). 

The UK Government’s Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting (SECR) policy was implemented on 1 April 2019, coinciding with the closure of the Carbon Reduction Commitment (CRC) Energy Efficiency Scheme.

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Environment , SECR

11 Dec 19

Royal Mail transforms its environmental reporting with Greenstone

Royal Mail is using Greenstone's sustainability reporting software to calculate, manage and report its environmental data across 1600 sites with accuracy and confidence. Find out how in this case study.

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10 Dec 19

Webinar - How to address risk in a global supply chain

Greenstone is holding a 30-minute webinar on how to address risk in a global supply chain on Tuesday 21st January. 

In an increasingly globalised world, supply chains are becoming more and more complex. With this complexity comes a greater need for transparency and accountability, with higher levels of operational, financial and reputational risk for organisations.

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Event , supplychain

19 Nov 19

Eurostar announces new environmental commitments for 25th anniversary

To mark its 25th anniversary, high-speed rail service Eurostar has announced two new initiatives that build on its 2007-established Tread Lightly programme. These new commitments include a plastic-free service, planting a tree for every Eurostar train service, and gaining a third star from the Sustainable Restaurant Association (SRA) for food service.

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29 Oct 19

4 key challenges when bridging the gap between sustainability and procurement

In the second part of this two-part blog, we outline the challenges faced by organisations when integrating sustainability in to procurement and how to overcome them.

Greenstone and Ardea International were recently invited to run a workshop on sustainable procurement at the eWorld Procurement & Supply conference in London. The eWorld conference is a key event for senior procurement and supply chain professionals providing insight into the latest innovations and technologies.

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SupplierPortal , Sustainable procurement

22 Oct 19

Bridging the gap between sustainability and procurement – workshop insights

Greenstone and Ardea International were recently invited to run a workshop on sustainable procurement at the eWorld Procurement & Supply conference in London. The eWorld conference is a key event for senior procurement and supply chain professionals providing insight into the latest innovations and technologies.

In this two-part blog, we outline some of the themes and insights we took away from the workshop.

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SupplierPortal , Sustainable procurement

15 Oct 19

4 key insights from the Greenstone Client Conference 2019

Greenstone recently held its annual Client Conference. This years’ event was hosted by Greenstone client Royal Mail Group at the Phoenix Conference Centre in London, UK.

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4 Oct 19

Greenstone joins the United Nations Young SDG Innovators Programme

Untitled design (7)Greenstone’s David Wynn (Head of Client Services) and Rowan Woods (Sustainability Consultant) have been selected to take part in the United Nations Young SDG (Sustainable Development Goals) Innovators Program (YSIP) for 2019 -2020.

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SDGs , Frameworks

24 Sep 19

SASB and CDSB release TCFD Good Practice Handbook

The Climate Disclosure Standards Board (CDSB) and the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) have released the TCFD (Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures) Good Practice Handbook.

Following the release of the TCFD Implementation Guide in May 2019, this handbook provides real-world examples of TCFD reporting to help companies better understand how they can more effectively communicate with investors about the financially material climate-related risks and opportunities they face.

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20 Sep 19

TCFD Disclosure - FAQs

We had a number of great questions during and following Greenstone’s webinar on TCFD disclosure held earlier this month so we have compiled a list of the most frequently asked TCFD questions.

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TCFD , Frameworks

4 Sep 19

Defra 2019 emission conversion factors: what’s changed?

This year’s Defra release of new emission conversion factors for GHG reporting has come with only two major changes to vans/LGVs and natural gas. All other updates were revisions from the year before, based on new and improved data and using a similar methodological approach. The main changes have been summarised below:

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Emissions factors , Environment

13 Aug 19

Webinar: Five practical steps to start measuring and reporting your organisation’s impact

Greenstone has partnered with impact measurement experts Vertigo Ventures to hold a 30-minute webinar on impact reporting on Tuesday 17 September. 

The increasing awareness of sustainability issues and their potential risk to businesses and communities, has led to an emerging trend in measuring and reporting the value and costs that businesses bring to society and the environment.

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6 Aug 19

Webinar: TCFD disclosure – where to start and how to align it with other frameworks

This webinar has now passed, please click here to view the recording

On Tuesday 10 September, Greenstone will be holding a 30-minute webinar on 'TCFD disclosure - where to start and how to align it with other frameworks'. 

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1 Aug 19

Greenstone’s software awarded Sustainability Product of the Year 2019

Today, the Business Intelligence Group named Greenstone’s software solution ‘Sustainability Product of the Year’ in the 2019 Sustainability Awards program. The Sustainability Awards honour people, teams and organisations who have made sustainability an integral part of their business practice or overall mission. 

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Awards , Frameworks

25 Jul 19

Greenstone enables responsible investing through launch of investor ESG software solution and becomes a PRI signatory

Greenstone has launched its InvestorPortal Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) solution, enabling responsible investing. This purpose-built software solution enables the collection, management and analysis of ESG data across investments, portfolios and funds.

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ESG , Frameworks

4 Jul 19

UK government to drive wide-scale reporting on climate-related financial risks

This week, the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) and the HM Treasury (HMT) released their landmark Green Finance Strategy in response to the Green Finance Taskforce’s 2018 report. The strategy details the government’s ambitious plans to encourage investment in sustainable projects, embed climate-related financial risks and opportunities into mainstream financial decision-making, as well as to cement UK’s leadership within green finance.

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20 Jun 19

How are the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) influencing responsible investment?

In a recent report published by PwC, 67% of Private Equity (PE) firms said the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are relevant to their investments. This is compared to only 38% when surveyed in 2016. [1]

It is clear that the incorporation of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) factors is becoming increasingly important in investments. In this blog, we look at specifically how the SDGs are influencing responsible investment.

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ESG , Frameworks

14 Jun 19

PwC report finds increasing focus on ESG reporting by Private Equity firms

According to a report by PwC, there is a growing link between the Private Equity (PE) industry and socially responsible investing. PwC’s Private Equity Responsible Investment Survey 2019, which surveyed 162 firms globally, found that PE houses are increasingly factoring Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) into their investment decisions and portfolio management.

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12 Jun 19

Why Greenstone has committed to a science-based target

Interview with Greenstone CEO, Matthew de Villiers, on why the sustainability software company joined the movement to set an ambitious emissions reduction target.

Science-based targets (SBTs) are greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction targets in line with levels identified by climate scientists to prevent global warming. The SBT initiative, a partnership between CDP, UN Global Compact, WRI and WWF, and one of the We Mean Business Coalition commitments, is championing them as a powerful way of boosting companies’ competitive advantage in the transition to the low-carbon economy.

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Environment , Science-based targets

29 May 19

Greenstone sponsors leading Responsible Business event in Europe

Greenstone is proud to be a sponsor of the Responsible Business Summit Europe in London on 10-12 June 2019. This two-day event brings together more than 500 CEOs, sustainability heads, investors and NGOs with a focus on shaping the future of sustainable business.

This event is on track to be the largest and most senior meeting to date with the aim to build a platform where senior representatives with roles in sustainability, ESG, responsible business and supply chain meet to share practical ideas on how their businesses can lead the change to a sustainable future.

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Event , Responsible Business

17 May 19

4 key insights from CDP reporting workshops in New York, London, Singapore & Hong Kong

Author: David Wynn, Head of Client Services, Greenstone

Over the course of April and May, I was able to attend CDP workshops in New York, London, Singapore and Hong Kong. The spring workshops are key events in the CDP calendar and an opportunity for disclosing companies to learn about questionnaire changes and to connect with other sustainability professionals on the latest trends and thinking in responsible business practices.

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15 May 19

Greenstone’s software recognised as Top Product of the Year by Environmental Leader

Greenstone is proud to announce that its software has been named ‘Top Product of the Year 2019’ at the Environmental Leader Product & Project Awards. This is the second consecutive year that Greenstone has received this accolade.

Reinforcing its position as a global leader in EHS & Sustainability reporting software, the judges specifically noted Greenstone’s software as providing companies with “data that is invaluable for decision making.

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