11 Feb 20

Greenstone becomes gold CDP software partner

CDP Gold whiteGreenstone has renewed its partnership with CDP to become a gold climate change software partner as part of CDP’s accredited solution providers programme.

Greenstone has partnered with CDP since 2013 to ensure its clients have access to the latest CDP content and guidance and can meet their CDP reporting requirements as seamlessly as possible.

Greenstone’s global enterprise Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) platform has been designed to meet the requirements of CDP reporting and has a suite of dedicated tools to streamline the process. This includes GHG Protocol aligned data collection covering Scope 1, 2 & 3, climate change risks and opportunities, and an initiatives savings functionality for analysing savings against targets.

Greenstone’s sustainability software enables our clients to: 

  • Define bespoke question sets from a range of reporting frameworks, including CDP, GRI and SDGs, based on the relevance and materiality to their organisation
  • Collect data and supporting information across a diverse portfolio or operations
  • Consolidate data into internal and external reporting templates 
  • Manage qualitative responses
  • Calculate GHG emissions
  • Track and monitor initiatives savings 

As well as providing software to gather, escalate and approve responses in preparation for a CDP response, Greenstone provides its clients with support services from its team of industry experts to help them improve their reporting and achieve their broader sustainability goals.

Paul Simpson, CEO at CDP, comments “As the need for companies to measure and disclose their environmental impacts grows, CDP continues to partner with organisations offering intelligent and user-friendly sustainability software solutions. We are pleased to have longstanding partner, Greenstone, working with CDP at a global level as a Gold Software Accredited Solutions Provider".

Matthew de Villiers, CEO at Greenstone comments “At Greenstone, we are continuously developing our software to enable our clients to advance their reporting and become responsible businesses - our partnership with CDP continues to be instrumental in helping us deliver this.”

CDP reporting webinar

Greenstone is holding a 30-minute webinar on 'CDP Reporting - preparing for 2020' on Wednesday 11th March at 4pm GMT.

With a guest speaker from CDP, Emily Pepper, this webinar will discuss CDP reporting for 2020, how to prepare and some tips on how to improve on last years' response.

To find out more and to register, please click the button below:

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Environment , CDP