
12 Mar 21

Webinar - 5 software features to help you improve your CDP reporting

Greenstone and CDP are holding a webinar on ‘5 software features to help you improve your CDP reporting’ on Wednesday 17 March at 4pm GMT. This webinar, hosted by CDP, is part of the ‘CDP Bitesize’ series delivered by CDP’s gold accredited solution providers.

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Reporting Guidance , CDP , Frameworks

8 Mar 21

CDP reporting 2021 – what’s changed since last year

With CDP reporting season looming, CDP has published its 2021 CDP reporting guidance and released its 2021 questionnaire on Climate Change. The deadline for submissions is 28 July 2021, and the Online Response System (ORS) will open for users to start entering their information on 12 April 2021.

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Reporting Guidance , CDP , Frameworks

25 Jul 16

Countdown to EU NFR Directive day

This article was originally published on Financier Worldwide

With the implementation date of the EU’s Non-Financial Reporting (NFR) Directive now less than six months away, effective as of 1 January 2017, companies across the EU-28 that fall within its scope are preparing themselves for its arrival.

In a nutshell, Directive 2014/95/EU, amending Directive 2013/34/EU, requires certain companies – i.e., public and private companies of a certain size, as determined by number of employees (upwards of 500), balance sheet total and revenues – to disclose to authorities information relating to policies, risks and outcomes as regards environmental matters, social and employee aspects, respect for human rights, anticorruption and bribery issues and boardroom diversity.

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Non-Financial Reporting , Reporting Guidance , Environment

8 Jul 15

Climate Change Reporting: Why do we bother?

Greenstone’s Head of Client Services, David Wynn, attended the OECD Global Forum on Responsible Business Conduct in Paris. Here he reflects on the key global trends and discussions on climate change reporting from the event.

Hot off the tail of the warmest May since records began, the OECD Global Forum in Paris brought with it more sweltering heat and an opportunity to share thoughts and insights with global leaders working in responsible business conduct. Covering everything from human rights in international sport to China’s approach to human rights, the forum was an opportunity for global professionals to share information and set the stage for a long-term vision for sustainable business.

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Non-Financial Reporting , Reporting Guidance

9 Feb 15

ISO 50001 – Is it the right route to ESOS Compliance for you?

With global energy prices continuing to rise and a steady increase in national and international climate change legislation, there are an array of schemes and standards being developed to help organisations better manage their energy. A key scheme in the UK is the Energy Saving Opportunities Scheme (ESOS), which many organisations are obligated to comply with in 2015.

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Reporting Guidance , ESOS

5 Dec 14

5 need to know facts about the EU directive on non-financial reporting

Back in April of this year, the EU adopted a new directive on disclosure of non-financial and diversity information by large companies and organisation.

This new directive will have direct implications for those affected by the change. But before you begin to worry about what this might involve and how quickly you need to act to, read these 6 facts to find out more about what you need to know on the new EU directive on the disclosure of non-financial information.

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Reporting Guidance

3 Nov 14

What will SASB mean for your organisation?

The Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) is an independent, non-profit organisation that aims to develop and disseminate sustainability accounting standards to help US publicly-listed corporations disclose material information on how they impact value. The SASB Standards are comprised of disclosure guidance and an accounting standard on potential sustainability topics which corporations may find material in their industry.

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Reporting Guidance

31 Oct 14

An introduction to the Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI)

The Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI) is a family of indices that have a strong focus on stock performance and serve as a key benchmark of investors who consider sustainability as part of their portfolio risk assessments.

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Reporting Guidance

24 Oct 14

Should your organisation be reporting against ISO 26000?

Since 1947, the International Organization for Standardisation (ISO) has published more than 19,500 International Standards covering a huge breadth of aspects of technology and business. Published by ISO in 2010, the ISO 26000 is a voluntary purchased framework that any type of organisation can use as a tool for improved social responsibility. A series of Core Subjects are covered in the standard and the framework is intended to provide guidance on the actions and expectation for organisations to address in each topic.

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Reporting Guidance

17 Oct 14

Who’s reading your CDP scores?

The primary focus of CDP is the reporting of environmental information, particularly greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, with CDP referring to themselves as a “global system for companies and cities to measure, disclose, manage and share vital environmental information”. Over 750 investors (representing US$92 trillion in assets) work with CDP to assess the risks within their investment portfolios.

Originally set up as the Carbon Disclosure Project, CDP now has broader reporting standards for water, forestry, cities and supply chain issues alongside its annual climate change program but is still focused on providing information for investors.

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Reporting Guidance