12 Aug 15

Greenstone’s ongoing support for the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)

Organizational_Stakeholder-colour_RGB_2015_208Greenstone is proud to continue to support the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and align with its mission to help businesses, governments and other organisations understand and communicate the impact of business on critical sustainability issues.

Greenstone is working with global organisations across multiple industry sectors to help define, measure, report and improve their CSR programme. We work closely with our clients to define material business impacts, develop efficient data gathering processes and improve consistency of their reporting.


GRI-G4 Certified Content

Greenstone’s enterprise level software was one of the first software tools to achieve G4-certification by the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). GRI’s Certified Software and Tools Program guarantees that software and digital tools are using GRI content accurately, enabling robust and transparent reporting and making sustainability reports better, more accessible and easier to produce.

Greenstone provides easy-to-use, secure software with automated, accurate and auditable reporting along with supporting services from a team of industry experts. Greenstone’s CSR Frameworks module has been designed to meet the requirements of GRI’s sustainability reporting framework and enables companies to collect, compile and produce a GRI G4 compliant report.

Using Greenstone’s software, companies can define bespoke question sets from a range of reporting frameworks, including GRI G4, based on the relevance and materiality to their organisation. Data and supporting information can then be collected across the organisation before being consolidated into internal and external reporting templates.

GRI Stakeholder Council

Greenstone is a registered GRI Organisational Stakeholder and supports GRI’s mission to develop globally accepted sustainability reporting guidelines through a global multi-stakeholder process. 

To reinforce our commitment to GRI, our Head of Client Services, David Wynn, is a candidate in this year’s Stakeholder Council Election. The Stakeholder Council is GRI’s formal stakeholder policy forum and advises the Board on strategic issues; making recommendations on future policy, business planning and activity. Voting is now open to all GRI Organisational Stakeholders. You can vote, or find out more on the GRI website.


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GRI , Frameworks