8 Jan 18

Greenstone partners with UNGC and Ardea International to host webinar on human rights in the supply chain

Logos-blog-sGreenstone has partnered with specialist consulting firm Ardea International and UN Global Compact Network UK to host a webinar on human rights in the supply chain on Wednesday 31st January at 3.30 pm GMT.

There is an ever-increasing focus on global supply chains, with organisations themselves needing to take increased responsibility for whom they work with, and for understanding how their suppliers operate. Human rights is an issue that is very much driving this discussion, with rights and conditions of workers a topic Governments across the world are trying to address.

There is now a mixture of voluntary frameworks, against which organisations can report, as well as binding legislation on human rights. This webinar will look at what organisations should be doing to address human rights in the supply chain, and how ensuring compliance can reduce potential risk. Details can be found below.

Managing the impact of human rights: avoiding non-compliance in supply chains – 31st January

This webinar has now passed, please visit our past webinars page to view the recording. 

  • An overview of human rights legislation
  • How organisations should be addressing human rights in the supply chain
  • Legal and reputational implications of non-compliance
  • How to successfully engage supply chains
  • The importance of supplier data
  • The engagement of business


  • Steve Kenzie, UN Global Compact
  • Colleen Theron, Ardea International
  • Gyles Scott-Hayward, Greenstone




Ardea International is a specialist sustainability, business and human rights consulting firm with expertise in modern slavery.


The UN Global Compact Network UK is a member-based organisation and official Local Network, representing UK businesses that are signatories to the UN Global Compact.


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