Reporting Scope 2 Emissions under the GHG Protocol
Greenstone is holding a webinar on Tuesday 21st July at 1 pm GMT on what you need to know about reporting Scope 2 emissions under the new GHG Protocol guidance.
New guidance on Scope 2 reporting has been published by the GHG Protocol as a response to the rapid growth in renewable energy. It offers organisations a new approach for reporting how low-carbon electricity purchases contribute to their carbon footprint.
The WRI and WBCSD are encouraging organisations to use the new approach and the GHG Protocol has already been working with companies including Mars, Facebook, Google and EDF Energy to pioneer the use of the new Scope 2 approach.
The Scope 2 Guidance is required for companies that follow the GHG Protocol Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard. CDP will require organisations to report using the new methodology from 2016 and this will likely be a driver for many companies to consider how a market-based approach could offer greater reporting accuracy.
Confused about where to start?
Join our webinar which will cover:
- What you need to know about the new Scope 2 GHG Protocol Guidance.
- How it impacts your organisation.
- How to start using the new Guidance to measure your emissions.
Through its software and supporting services, Greenstone enables its clients to accurately measure and report GHG emissions across their organisation. With an accurate GHG emissions footprint, organisations can set reduction targets and closely monitor GHG emissions over time.