31 Jan 19

Addressing modern slavery risk with Ardea International


If you are covered by the UK The Modern Slavery Act and need help with meeting the requirements on an ongoing basis, Greenstone’s partner Ardea International can help.

Ardea International’s modern slavery services

As part of its modern slavery support programme, Ardea works with organisations to:

  • Provide bespoke training to directors, procurement, sustainability and human resources managers
  • Help draft and review your modern slavery statement
  • Advise on how to link modern slavery to human rights and/or the wider CSR programme
  • Carry out gap analysis on policies and processes
  • Develop KPIs for reporting activities to prevent modern slavery
  • Develop due diligence processes to underpin the modern slavery statement
  • Assist with contractual issues and codes of conduct
  • Provide compliance advice on other mandatory reporting requirements internationally
  • Provide guidance and facilitation on stakeholder engagement
  • Provide online e-learning and training and support programmes.
  • Provide online toolkits and checklists.


Ardea also runs interactive workshops throughout the year. The next one is ‘Improving your modern slavery statement: practical review and interactive masterclass’ being held on 26th February in London, UK. Please click the link here for more details.

For more information on how Ardea International may be able to help your organisation address modern slavery risk, please contact Ardea International directly.


Ardea International

Ardea International is a specialist sustainability, business and human rights consulting firm with expertise in modern slavery. Ardea provides practical and strategic advice to businesses, organisations and public bodies on how to identify and manage the modern slavery risks in their organisation and supply chains.


The Modern Slavery Act

The Modern Slavery Act UK 2015 requires commercial organisations that provide goods and services within the UK with a global turnover of £36 million or greater to produce an annual slavery and human trafficking statement, setting out the steps they are taking to ensure there is no slavery, forced labour or trafficking in their business or supply chains. Companies are expected to report on their risk assessments and due diligence programmes.

Greenstone enables you to engage your suppliers through its award-winning supply chain sustainability software and support services. SupplierPortal is a supply chain management software solution providing your business with transparency and compliance across your entire supplier network.

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