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As a Gold CDP accredited software partner, Greenstone provides software and services to help its clients improve their CDP response. With in-depth knowledge of the CDP reporting framework, our team works closely with our clients through the whole process to ensure they submit a robust, clear and complete CDP response. Discover the latest news and stay up to date with all the changes regarding CDP disclosure.
Learn more about how Greenstone’s global sustainability management software has been designed to meet the requirements of CDP reporting software and has a suite of dedicated tools to streamline the process.
Greenstone is one of the CDP Accredited Solutions Providers participating in the CDP Disclosure API pilot project in 2023.
Greenstone, with a guest speaker from CDP’s Corporate Engagement team, is holding a 30-minute webinar on what to expect from CDP reporting in 2023 and how you can start preparing for the reporting cycle.
In 2022, nearly 15,000 companies, with a collective worth of over US$11 trillion, submitted a response to CDP. The below article presents a summary of the 2022 CDP scores.
Whether you are new to CDP reporting or you are looking for ways to improve your previous year’s score, our team of sustainability experts has compiled a list of four essential tips, to help you optimise your 2022 CDP score. We’ve also included answers to your top most frequently asked questions regarding CDP.
Following CDP and Greenstone's recent webinar, this blog covers a summary of everything you need to know about the CDP reporting timeline, disclosure options for first-time responders and what’s changed in 2022.
This expert webinar, with a guest speaker from CDP, will cover in detail how to prepare for CDP reporting in 2022, as well as offer some tips on how to improve on last years' response.
Greenstone would like to congratulate all of its clients and partners who have worked hard to improve or maintain their score from last year, and those who were included on the prestigious CDP ‘A List’. This includes Greenstone’s clients Fujitsu and Sopra Steria who we are particularly proud to say have been part of the A List since 2017 and 2016 respectively.
With CDP reporting season looming, CDP has published its 2021 CDP reporting guidance and released its 2021 questionnaire on Climate Change. In this blog, we discuss the main changes to the 2021 climate change questionnaire.
CDP released scores for its 2020 Climate Change disclosures. A record-breaking 9,600+ companies disclosed through CDP in 2020, a 70% increase since the Paris Agreement was signed in 2015 and 14% up on last year.
In this article, we will discuss the key changes to the 2020 questionnaire to be aware of for the financial services (FS) sector and provide suggestions for those wishing to improve on their scores.
Greenstone recently held a webinar with a guest speaker from CDP, on ‘CDP Reporting: preparing for 2020’. We had a number of interesting questions during and after the webinar. Here are the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about CDP reporting in 2020.
In this interview, recently published on CDP's blog, Greenstone talks to two leaders at Fujitsu to discuss its journey towards becoming a responsible business, and the importance of reliable data to support it.
With a guest speaker from CDP, Emily Pepper, this webinar will discuss CDP reporting for 2020, how to prepare and some tips on how to improve on last years' response.
In this webinar, Greenstone and CDP put the spotlight on disclosing climate change risks and opportunities and discuss the alignment between frameworks and how organisations are using software to manage this disclosure.
This webinar will covers The CDP reporting timeline and what’s changed in 2021. Also, the future of CDP reporting, best practice for preparing your data, tips on how to improve your previous years’ response and leveraging software to streamline your CDP reporting. Finally, we discuss linking your CDP data with other sustainability reporting frameworks