30 Jan 17

Greenstone releases non-financial reporting frameworks guide

NFR_Guide_logos.pngSustainability software solutions provider, Greenstone, has released a free guide on ‘Choosing the right non-financial reporting frameworks’. 

This 15-page guide summarises 8 of the most popular non-financial reporting frameworks, including CDP, GRI and the SDGs, to help companies choose the most appropriate frameworks for their reporting.

The non-financial reporting landscape can be crowded and confusing for organisations that are constantly tasked with navigating definitions, timescales and requirements for different reporting channels. 

The guide covers:

  • Key things to consider when selecting a reporting framework. 

  • The top 8 non-financial reporting frameworks including GRI, UNGC, the SDGs, IIRC, CDP, ISO26000, DJSI and SASB. 

  • An overview of the scope, prescriptiveness and audience of these frameworks.

  • A matrix comparison of all 8 frameworks, to help you to make informed decisions about the non-financial reporting framework/s most appropriate for you. 


To download your copy of this free guide, please click here and fill in the short form.

Greenstone and UNGC

At Greenstone, we understand that we play a role in helping organisations to meet many of the UN’s goals and objectives, including the ten principles of the UN Global Compact (UNGC).

Greenstone has been a participant of the UN Global Compact since 2013 and actively uses and promotes the UN Global Compact Principles as a standard for our clients and are dedicated to improving the transparency of corporate reporting in the 4 key areas of Human Rights, Labour, Environment and Anti-Corruption.

As an active supporter of the UN Global Compact, Greenstone promotes engagement with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Through Greenstone’s sustainability software solution, users can streamline data collection and gather, manage and report data to help them understand their contributions to all 17 of the UNSDGs



