5 Feb 15

UNGC – Greenstone’s Communication on Progress

Greenstone has been a participating member of the UN Global Compact since 2013. Each year we publically submit our Communication on Progress (COP) which outlines our commitment to the UNGC’s ten principles.

As a sustainable software company, we use our solution to actively promote the UN Global Compact Principles as a standard for our clients. We are also dedicated to improving the transparency of corporate reporting in the four key areas – human rights, labour, environment and anti-bribery and corruption through supplier management. In addition to our UNGC commitment, we continue to be an Organisational Stakeholder of the GRI (Global Reporting Initiative).

Our recent COP illustrates our commitment to, and progress made on incorporating the Global Compact and its principles as part of our corporate strategy and the culture of our day-to-day operations.

To view our Communication on Progress click here.

To find out more about the UN Global Compact visit 
