14 Dec 17

Greenstone conducts research on social and environmental impact reporting

Paper_Files.jpgGreenstone is conducting research on social and environmental impact reporting.

We would be grateful if you could take 5 - 10 minutes to complete this short survey which aims to investigate the current challenges of non-financial reporting with a focus on emerging reporting techniques linked to measurement and reporting of impacts.

Your answers will be kept anonymous and analysed in combination with other participants’ responses. If you wish to receive a summary report of the outcomes of this survey, please provide your contact details at the end of the survey.

Start Survey


Greenstone has been providing non-financial reporting software and services to organisations for over 10 years, supporting clients in more than 100 countries. We continuously explore opportunities for the further advancement of our software and services to keep our clients up to date with the latest developments in the market.

A recent emerging trend has been an increased interest in social and environmental impact measurement and reporting tools. This interest has been fueled by a growing maturity and awareness of sustainability issues and their potential risks to businesses and communities.



As part of this research we will be conducting one-to-one interviews to further discuss impact reporting. If you would like to be included in our individual interviews, please email us.

Thank you for your contribution to this research.


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